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Interior design for businesses
Alexandra collaborates with business clients to create spaces with meaning and impact. The interior is a powerful means of forming a lasting relationship between the business and user; such as employees and (new) customers. An interior can tell a story, trigger an experience, arouse a feeling, convey norms and values, seduce and even stimulate certain behaviour. There is a whole underlying psychological world behind the sensory experience of a space and how it is converted into certain thoughts and/or action(s). This is all specific to a certain context and target group. All these interpretations happen consciously and subconsciously and can be targeted by external input, resulting in a range of positive effects such as loyalty and bonding, increase sales, feeling concentrated, energised or relaxed, improve the culture on the work floor, etc.
If expectations and results are consistently aligned for the (end) users, this will ultimately increase trust between a business and their employees, or increase customer loyalty. Alexandra Izeboud helps to map out where and how this value can be added to an interior. In a successful interior, every decision requires a good substantiation and serves to achieve a specific goal.
A design process therefore always starts with mapping the intrinsic values and the linked (commercial) objectives and the preferred user scenarios. The ways the space can be used to create relevant experiences and interactions are mapped out and the ones that contribute most to achieving these objectives are selected after conducting research and consultation.
Do you want your unique business to stand out? Then make sure that the interior adds value on a personal and communal level, which makes your business' story credible and tangible in the physical world. Because what we see is what we believe.
Anker 1
Een bedrijfsruimte is de plek waar jouw passie tot bloei komt. Het interieur is een krachtige uiting die laat zien wie je bent, wat je doet, hoe je werkt en die het mogelijk maakt om het beste uit jezelf te halen.
Een goed bedrijfsinterieur roept trots:
"Dit zijn wij! Passen wij bij jou? Kies dan voor ons!"
Welke passie wil jij delen?
3D visualisaties / animaties
Inkoop van meubilair/verlichting
User Experience
Technische tekeningen
en nog veel meer...
Anker 2
What I would be happy to help you with
3D visualisaties
Door middel van SketchUp wordt het interieurontwerp volledig in 3D opgezet. Hiermee is het mogelijk om in 3D voor de ruimte heen te bewegen en er een levensecht beeld van te kunnen vormen.
Een goede aannemer is van uiterst belang voor een prettige proces en een kwalitatieve uitvoering. Alexandra Izeboud helpt u o.a. met een offerte analyse en het doorspreken het ontwerp. Er worden tweewekelijkse projectbesprekingen ingepland met de projectleider.
De accessoires zorgen voor de bezieling van het interieur. Zonder passende accessoires voelt het interieur kaal en onpersoonlijk. Alexandra maakt het interieur altijd af met accessoires.
Construction supervision
- Executing parties join in
- Quotation requests and comparison
- Construction consultation
- Design contact point
- Checking the quality of execution
All plans are on paper, but now what next? Alexandra also supervises the process in the run-up to implementation. Do you already have a contractor in mind, or do you need advice on how to engage a suitable party? Alexandra can help you find a contractor with whom you click and the price is right. Alexandra takes care of the quotation requests and carries out price comparisons. It is important to have a good insight into whether all work is fully included in the quotations, firstly so that a pile of unforeseen additional work is not added afterwards and secondly so that apples and oranges are not compared. Before the executors start the work, Alexandra discusses all drawings and site visits are scheduled during the execution to ensure that everything is carried out in practice as planned on the drawing. Alexandra supports the project and serves as the first point of contact for all questions regarding the design.
DALI vs Fase afsnij
Fase afsnij dimmen is een traditionele manier van dimmen waarbij de stroom afgesneden worden met over het algemeen een muurdimmer. DALI-dimmen is de nieuwste techniek waarbij digitaal gedimd wordt. Dit zorgt voor een hogere kwaliteit dim techniek. Wanneer je een lichtplan uittekent is het van belang de voor jouw geschikte dim-techniek te kiezen.
Domotica is een high-end geautomatiseerde technologie die geintegreerd kan worden in huizen om functies als verlichting, verwarming, beveiliging en entertainment centraal te beheren. Dit kan je middels je mobiele telefoon of tablet besturen.
- Durable materials
- Circular materials
- Modular design
- Nature Inspired Design
Sustainable solutions and health play an increasingly important role for a future-proof interior. We are becoming increasingly aware of scarce raw materials and that is why it is becoming increasingly important to work with materials that fit within a circular economy. If you have made the decision to want to be as sustainable as possible in your interior, but do not know exactly which options are on the market, Alexandra can help you map out all the options and create an interior that fits in with a world of sustainable and conscious choices. From natural / local raw materials for custom work to working as much as possible with recycled or upcycled furniture, sustainable paint, fabrics with recycled material, etc. If you are taking the step towards a "green interior", Alexandra would be happy to work with you. looking for those cool sustainable solutions with impact. And absolutely no goat's wool socks!
Elektra- en schakelplan
A new layout
- Floor plan and technical drawings
- Organize functionalities
- Spatial 3D Model
- Video animation
- Photorealistic renderings
You want or have just purchased or rented a new home or business premises, but the existing layout still needs to be adjusted. During an upcoming renovation, you can completely furnish the interior to your own taste. Which walls exactly can be removed, what consequences does this have for the pipework? How are the functionalities given a new place in the space? These are all questions that I can help you with. Even if you don't know exactly what the new layout should look like, I can draw up various options for you and it is possible to experience in 3D what the rooms will look like. The new plans are developed in technical drawings that a contractor can start working on immediately.
Er bestaan vele manier om je woning te isoleren. Van vloerisolatie, kruipruimte isolatie, gevelisolatie, HR++ of HR+++ glas. Er bestaan hier ook verschillende subsidies voor. Geinteresseerd in het verduurzamen van uw woning, Alexandra Izeboud helpt je alle mogelijkheden in kaart te brengen en hierin de meest rendabele keuzes te maken.
Kozijnen zijn er in allerlei soorten en maten. Houten kozijnen voor een klassieke look, aluminium voor een ranke moderne look, kunststof als voordelige en is een makkelijk te onderhouden optie. Wij helpen u met advies wat voor uw project de beste optie is.
Loose furniture, lighting, furnishings & styling
- Selection of furniture
- Selection of lighting
- Selection of upholstery
- Purchase assistance
- Request and compare a quote
- Business purchasing
An interior is only complete with furniture, upholstery, lighting and styling. Don't you want to endlessly scour the internet without knowing what exactly you are looking for? I will help you through structured decision-making. We often plan a day where we also go out together to view furniture and test it for, for example, seating comfort. A furniture and lighting plan is drawn up per floor, each element is coded and you receive a clear list with a preferred option and two alternatives. By coordinating all the furniture in advance, you prevent the interior from becoming a hodgepodge of styles and colors, but rather that the furniture compliments the space like a icing on the cake. Because I work with business suppliers, it is always cheaper to work in collaboration with an interior professional. You will therefore always recover the costs for the advice! This saves a lot of time and money, with a high-quality end result always as the goal.
Light and
electrical plan
- Map with electrical points
- Map with light points
- Switching and group plan
- Lighting specifications
- Purchase assistance
Many (new-build) homes have a simple and/or dated lighting and electrical plan. When you are renovating a home, there is an excellent opportunity to use good lighting and electrical points in the right places. No longer those boring points in the middle of the room, but basic, mood and accent lighting in the right places, so that the interior comes into its own even better. A thorough lighting plan is something that can best be devised and developed in 3D. People often focus blindly on the appearance of a fixture alone, while it is precisely the technology and the type of light that shines from the fixture that makes it suitable or not. By working with light at different heights, illuminating horizontal and vertical surfaces, by using direct and indirect light, color temperature and the right light intensities, the interior really comes to life. A good lighting plan is an excellent part of the home that adds real value and on which I would be happy to advise you.
Custom furniture
- Design in 2D and 3D
- Kitchen, storage cupboards, bedstays,
TV cabinet, wardrobe, sinks,
(sliding) doors
- Technical drawings
- Request and compare quotes
- Supervision in implementation
With customization it is possible to create furniture that completely meets your needs. Functionality, materials, aesthetics completely adapted to the available dimensions of the space. Custom-made furniture definitely makes a difference and gives that unique look to your interior. Over time I have been able to design many custom pieces of furniture, with kitchens being my absolute favorite, but also TV furniture, wooden and steel (sliding) doors, bookcases, wardrobes. I have been working with a number of custom suppliers for many years, where service and quality always come first. If you encounter a difficult corner in the room and you want to make better use of the space, customization offers a range of options.
- Design / Interior concept
- Mood board
- Colors and materials
- Visit to suppliers
Once all architectural aspects and the functional layout of the space have been determined, the next step follows, namely designing the interior concept. These are all external aspects that determine the look and feel of an interior. Think of colors, materials, sleek and architectural, or colorful and decorated. All materialized elements in an interior; floor finishes, wall finishes (paint/wallpaper/wood/tiles), carpets, window coverings, furniture upholstery, etc. come together in an interior concept. There are endless possibilities, but through structured conversation and advice I am happy to help you make targeted and sound choices. By using a 3D model and materials mood board, you get the best possible picture of the plans during the process and it is easy to switch to realizing the interior of your dreams.
Philips Hue
Philips Hue is een systeem waarmee gebruikers kleur, helderheid en timing van hun verlichting kunnen aanpassen via een app. Philips hue is een betaalbare oplossing om toch een bepaalde mate van domotica te realiseren en het besturings systeem van de verlichting slim te maken.
Quooker is een moderne kokend waterkraan die we tegenwoordig bijna niet meer kunnen wegdenken uit de moderne keuken. Quooker heeft diverse modellen en kleuren, zodat deze makkelijk aan een bepaalde interieur stijl aan te passen is, danwel strak/modern of klassiek. Door ook een CUBE aan te sluiten komt er zelfs bruisend water uit de kraan.
Een rendering is een levensechte visualisatie gemaakt met een 3D computer modelleer programma zoals SketchUp of VectorWorks in combinatie met een render programma zoals Enscape.
Het sanitair zijn alle onderdelen t.b.v. de wc en badkamer. Het is belangrijk om de aansluitpunten en locaties van je water aan- en afvoer goed uit te meten, zodat het gekozen sanitair ook goed aansluit op elkaar.
Stalen deuren
Stalen deuren en visgraat vloeren zijn bijna niet meer weg te denken uit het interieur. Het is een ware interieurtrend, maar wat vind u bijvoorbeeld van naturel eiken houten deuren of kozijnloze paneeldeuren?
Een visgraatvloer kan gelegd worden misschien echt houten parket of planken, maar tegenwoordig zien we steeds vaker PVC vloeren in houtdecor. Het voordeel is de prijs en ook de levensduur van het materiaal. Howel een echt houten vloer wel meer warmte en luxe uitstraalt. De keus is vaak smaak en prioriteit gebonden.
Vloerverwarming is een moderne en duurzame manier om uw woning te verwarmen. Er zijn verschillende manieren om vloerverwarming toe te passen; door het in te frezen in een beton of Fermacell betonvezelplaten. Ook zijn er voorgefreesde of noppenplaten mogelijk. In dat geval bespaart dit een stap in de uitvoering.
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